Apocalypse Now, Part 7--A Journal of the Plague Year
“I recommend it to the Charity of all good People to look back, and reflect duly upon the Terrors of the Time; and whoever does so will see, that it is not an ordinary Strength that cou'd support it; it was not like appearing in the Head of an Army, or charging a Body of Horse in the Field; but it was charging Death itself on his pale Horse; to stay indeed was to die, and it could be esteemed nothing less.” --Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year (1722) I have about 75 pages written of a science fiction novel. It is set about 50 years in the future, in the aftermath of a plague. The plague killed off around half of the Earth's population. But what the novel is really about is the ways in which that event changed our political and social life. The origin of the book is in a thought experiment--what it really take to get people to do the work necessary to reverse climate change? What would it take to allow for conditions of truly significant, radica...