We'll Take What You Can Carry, and We'll Leave the Rest
This Saturday, our priory of the Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer had our first monthly day of reflection. There are five of us here in Columbus, at least for now--we have a half-dozen or so folks who are interested. In any event, we met for about four hours, mostly just talking about what is going on in our individual and collective lives, as well as a book we are reading together. In many ways, it was like chapter meetings that have been going on in monasteries and other religious communities for 1600 years. But, there is was at least one way in which it was different from those chapter meetings. Among the five of us, only one--me--is a straight man. In the last 36 hours, I have been trying to put together what I think the significance of this fact is, because I think it is significant, at least on some modest scale. While we were meeting, we learned that one of the oldest horrors that have stalked Christian and Christian-influenced so...