Good Friday Reflection
Doubt takes different forms. When people think about doubt in terms of religion, people tend to think about big-picture structural doubts. Does God exist? Did Jesus rise from the dead? Things like that. But there are other, more subtle forms of doubt. Last night at Maundy Thursday service, I heard a stem-winder of a sermon. The topic of the sermon was how Jesus's death and resurrection defeats the Empire of Death, which is powered by fear, scarcity, and division. It was a fantastic sermon, and it presented the Christian message in its most vital and relevant possible form. And yet, as I was sitting there, the doubts came. Did it really? Did this story that we remember every year really defeat fear, scarcity, and division? Or, even, did it provide the possibility of overcoming those forces? Fear, scarcity, and division seem more powerful and more omnipresent then ever. It doesn't feel like those forces are being ...