A Brief Thought on that First Things Article
So, the conservative journal First Things published a piece by Dominican friar Romanus Cessario, defending the Mortara affair . For those not familiar, Edgardo Mortara was a Jewish boy living at the tail end of the Papal States period who was secretly baptised by a nurse in a Catholic hospital. Having done so, Papal law required that he be raised Catholic, and so he was forcibly taken from his parents and raised more or less directly by the Pope at the time, Pius IX. This has generally been seen as one of the more monstrous black marks on the Roman Catholic Church in its long history of anti-Semitism, and so the Hot Take of defending the Pope's action were bound to be controversial. Ross Douthat, no liberal Catholic he, gave a strong negative reaction to the piece , as did others. In particular, Douthat makes the case that the article is clarifying as to the nature of the traditionalist Catholic stance--i.e. still anti-Semitic. I think Douthat is right, ...