Reflections on Original Blessing, Part 2
In his introduction to Christianity series Jesus the Forgiving Victim (and probably before that, but this was where I first encountered it), James Alison begins with a discussion of what he calls "the Social Other." ( you can see him talk about it in a short video here ). Alison defines "the Social Other" as "everything that is other than us on the social level--the people, geography, buildings, politics, weather, climate, food--everything that is." Except, critically, for God--God is the "Other Other," and represents the only outside force that influences us that is not part of the Social Other. Alison insists that the Social Other is both prior to us (it existed before we existed, and is thus not "created" by us in any sense) and is in every sense constitutive of us. Our very sense of self is created by the Social Other, as we grow and develop and interact with the outside world. And yet, we are not merely passive receptors of t...