Quick Hitter: What You Can't Concede
Bill Lindsey has a series of posts on the recent dust-up at Princeton Theological Seminary with relation to Tim Keller. To briefly summarize, Princeton is an old and very well-respected Seminary affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). PCUSA allows women to be ordained and lead congregations, and also allows LGBT folks to fully participate in the life of the church (and last year authorized same-sex weddings). Tim Keller just stepped down as the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, a large congregation. Redeemer is affiliated with the rival Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), which does not allow women or LGBT people to be ordained, and is much more conservative. Keller and Redeemer have publicly endorsed the positions of the PCA along these lines ( here's a position paper on women's ordination from Redeemer). Princeton initially awarded a theology prize to Keller, before later revoking it. Hence the brou...