Cutting Out the Poisonous Tree
It is something that I have thought for a long time, but it has become absolutely, unquestionably clear. This insight is essential to understanding almost everything that is going on in modern Christianity, and I think it will be the defining issue for Christianity for the next generation, at least. You cannot understand where we are or where we are going if you don't grasp this. It is so important that it deserves to be written separately, and it should be written on the top of every paper and every essay discussing any of these topics: The issue of homosexuality (or whatever terminology you want to use) in Christianity is not ultimately about homosexuality; it is about gender. For the entirety of its history, with some limited exceptions, Christianity has been predicated on an, often unspoken but nevertheless pervasive, view that men and women are fundamentally different, and that this difference plays out invariably to the benefit of men at the expense of women....