In the Long Run, We Are All Dead
Last night, Fr. James Martin, S.J., well known as Stephen Colbert's "chaplain," among other jobs, gave a talk to New Ways Ministry , a group dedicated to advocating for Catholic LGBT people. The full text of the talk is available here , and it is well worth reading. I have some thoughts on what he said and how be approaches the problem, but first a couple of disclaimers. Number one, Martin is without question one of the "good guys" among the prominent Catholics in the media, and he has taken a great deal of abuse for standing up for LGBT people in the Catholic Church. So, while there are things in what he said that I am not sure I agree with or can stand behind, I don't want to seem like I am shooting the messenger or dumping on him. He does good, important work, and this speech is part of that work. Second, I write conscious of the fact that I approach this topic indirectly. Martin's audience, primarily, is LGBT Catholics, and I am not an LGBT...