Good Christian Sex, Chapters 1 and 2--The Question Behind the Question
Chapter 1 of Good Christian Sex is about pleasure and, more specifically, self pleasure (McCleneghan makes the case that "masturbation" is a ugly and negative word, and while I hadn't thought about it before, I think she is right), and Chapter 2 is about desire, especially our first early experiences of desire. Before I get to the specifics of those chapters, there is something that has come into focus for me--before we talk about the specifics of sexual morality, we first have to figure out what sexual morality is and what it involves, because Christians definitely don't agree on this preliminary point. Here's what I mean. There are basically two accounts of what is at stake in sexual morality (and all morality, but the book is about sex and sexual morality puts these issues into sharp relief). The first view, which we can call "Side A," is that there are a set of things that God doesn't want us to do with regard to sex, and, if we do them any...