Thinking Through the Creed, Part 6
[I believe in] the holy catholic and apostolic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, "The church is 200 years behind the times. Why doesn't it stir? Are we afraid? Is it fear rather than courage? In any event, the faith is the foundation of the church. Faith, trust, courage. I'm old and sick, and I depend on the help of others. Good people around me make me feel their love. This love is stronger than the sentiment of distrust that I feel every now and then with regard to the church in Europe. Only love defeats exhaustion. God is love. Now I have a question for you: What can you do for the church?" --Cardinal Carlo Martini, S.J. (1927-2012). I am a bad Catholic. To put a fine point on it--at Easter Vigil two days ago, seven people at my parish who were coming into the Catholic faith publicly stated that they "believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be revealed by God." Insofar as ...