A Post-Script on the Importance of Sports
I didn't intend to write about sports twice in one week, but it has been forced upon me. I have thought for a while now that Every Day Should Be Saturday may be the best blog on the Internet. On one level, it is a blog about college football, but on the other hand it is a Proustian reflection on the meaning of life. The primary author/founder Spencer Hall is an unbelievably good writer, and his piece today is one of the most beautiful I have ever read . Seriously, go read it and then come back. I can't write like he can, but his piece triggered two thoughts about college football. The first has to do with my father. Some of my earliest memories of him involve Penn State football. He loved Penn State, and he loved Joe Paterno. More importantly, he believed in Joe Paterno, the person. In 1987, Penn State played Miami in the National Championship Game. Penn State were the good guys, and Miami were the bad guys. Miami was ...